As Malaysia’s largest seafood processor, the client provides high-end quality seafood products across 20 countries. The client believes in innovation and is inspired to create new products to cater to the ever-changing taste buds of consumers. Given their inspiration, the client came up with a new series of frozen foods of five (5) different flavours to be added as part of their product line. Given new creations, hence, the intention is to gauge Malaysian consumers’ perceptions and acceptance towards these new creations.
A centralised location test (CLT) was adopted where we invited pre-qualified respondents with middle to high monthly household income (MHI) to a centralised location/venue. We had reached out to two different demographic profiles i.e., (i) the teens group (age 15-18 years old) and (ii) the parents’ group (age 25-45 years old with kids below 18 years old). During the session, respondents were required to taste the new product range followed by a series of evaluation questions to gauge their perception towards the taste, sensorial attributes, pricing, etc.). At the same time, respondents were also required to evaluate the appeal of two (2) packaging designs and its fit with test products.
With a predefined action standard and in-depth sensory attributes analysis, we were able to pinpoint areas for improvement to further enhance not just the new product creations, but also the packaging design. As an outcome, we noted the client had incorporated our feedback and suggestions where relevant and had successfully launched the new product line with an enhanced packaging design.